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We can support each other in understanding and countering white supremacy in ourselves and in the world around us, while also showing up in multiracial spaces responsibly and sustainably. We are committed to taking action in relationship with Black and POC-led organizations in our fight together for collective liberation, following and being held accountable to their movement leadership.
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“[Regarding recent appeal of 50-A]
“The silver lining on this incredibly dark cloud is that the sun is finally starting to shine on injustice. Maybe it’s the unmistakable, and in my opinion disputable, video evidence that we saw a live murder on TV, but it’s done something to the consciousness of America...I don’t know if there could be a more meaningful piece of legislation for me and this body because it’s way more than just policy.”
We are the local chapter of a national SURJ network. Through community organizing, mobilizing, and education, SURJ moves white people to act as part of a multi-racial majority for justice with passion and accountability.
surjnycRT @Mvmnt4BlkLives: Welcome to Black August — a month dedicated to learning about Black revolutionaries and honoring their struggle aga… http://t.co/FIkoGIyNwF
surjnycRT @BKMovement: Listen as our Deputy Director Anthonine Pierre describes racist police enforcement in our transit system on High Fr… http://t.co/Ss1R7850A4
surjnycAs we head into August this weekend, it’s important we make sure our focus is on the oppression faced by Black and… http://t.co/m11FOsYqsd